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Hereditary colon cancer

ColonAll cancers have hereditary factors which potentially increase risk; however, this is especially true in cancer of the rectum and colon, commonly known as colorectal cancer (CRC). [Weiterlesen]

uso del móvil

Excessive use of our mobile phone may be a risk to our physical and mental health

We are always saying that mobile phones and products of the new technologies in general make our life easier, but…what if we are misusing them?


Spending too much time with your mobile phone may have negative consequences both physically, on account of the posture we adopt when we use these devices, and mentally, because of the high degree of excitability of the nervous system caused by continued use of them. If you are not willing to limit the use of your mobile phone, you have to accept that you may suffer lesions as a result, such as: [Weiterlesen]

cocina Mediterránea

The Mediterranean Diet as a means of reaching a healthy weight and reducing the risk of illnesses

In our consulting service Nutritional Education and Diabetes, our specialist Laura Sánchez Soiza will offer you nutritional advice based on the Mediterranean Diet. The advice focusses on a series of recommendations for your nutrition and lifestyle with a view to reaching a healthy weight, reducing colesterol and triglycerides and stabilising the glucose in the blood, all of which will reduce the risk of suffering cardiovascular illnesses, type II diabetes and cancer. [Weiterlesen]

accidente isquémico transitorio

Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)

Sudden loss of strength or altered sensation, dizziness and loss of balance or coordination can be symptoms of a Transient Ischaemic Attack, they can be both a warning sign and an opportunity for early treatment


Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) is a subtype of stroke, it causes similar symptoms, but usually only lasts a few minutes without leaving any permanent damage. [Weiterlesen]

Die elementare Behandlung von Mukoviszidose ist die Eignung des Antibiotikums

Die ZF gehört zu den Erkrankungen, die als seltsam katalogisiert werden, und es handelt sich um eine rezessiv vererbte Erkrankung. Das bedeutet, dass gesunde Eltern Krankheitsträger sind und ein erkranktes Kind haben können, wenn dieses ein verändertes Gen präsentiert. Es handelt sich um das CFTR-Gen, welches auf dem langen Arm von Chromosom 7b sitzt. [Weiterlesen]

Movember 2019


… the month of the year when we are thinking about the health of men. Wanting them to live a much happier life, a longer and a healthier one.

riesgo de ictus

Stroke Risk Assessment

To determine the most appropriate treatment after a stroke, the Emergency Department team must assess the type of cerebrovascular accident that you have had, and the area of the brain affected. They must also rule out different possible causes of the symptoms, such as other neurological conditions. The doctor may use several tests to determine a patient’s risk of stroke, including the following: [Weiterlesen]

Online appointment and download of test results through My HC.

Tel.: +34 952 908 628

952908898 Onkologie
951829978 Bildgebende Diagnostik
951829947 Gynäkologie
952908897 Fertilitäts-Zentrum
951829947 Physiotherapie




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