Noticias HC

Party for the children of Por Una Sonrisa

On June 13, HC Marbella International Hospital is organizing a party for the children of the Association „Por Una Sonrisa“, an organization aimed at improving the quality of life for children with cancer.


How could it be otherwise, all preparations are being carried out with great care and affection, for the day to be very special and full of fun. Among other surprises, the festival will be accompanied by clowns from Mother and Child Hospital of Málaga.
Fiesta Infantil Oncología
But aside from fun, this event has another purpose to support the work “Por Una Sonrisa” that helps children and their families suffering from cancer in the area of Algeciras and the Campo de Gibraltar, one of the regions where there is a higher incidence of this disease.


However, we are counting on the participation of sponsors who aims to raise funds for the creation of a Pediatric Oncology Unit in the new Hospital of La Línea de la Concepción. Currently, children from this area must commute to Jerez for assistance and treatment


With the help of collaborators and participants we hope that the joy of these families can extend beyond this festive day.



Mai 20, 2015




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