Equipo detox
Equipo detox

HC Program for detoxification

The detoxification program at HC Marbella for alcohol and other substances has the main objective of getting the best therapeutic results, with the results being up to 70%. The phases of the program at HC are:


Immediate medical assessment and treatment

Based on international medical guidelines. This significantly reduces the risk of complications from detoxing (abstinence). Rapid nutritional supplements are provided to the patient and anxiety relief. At times there maybe metabolic heart fluctuations or other issue of less importance. These can immediately be treated, thanks to medical service, support, that is provided 24 hours a day at the clinic. In the majority of the cases, the patient will be physically well enough to leave the hospital a week after entering for treatment.



Initial Phase

During the first two or three days of treatment

The patient receives sufficient medication to be medically stabilized. After a period of being stabilized on the medication, the dose is gradually reduced until it is considered safe for the patient to be off the medication completely.


First week of treatment

This is vitally important due to the possibility of dangerous medical complications. The abstinence of a drug particularly alcohol can cause convulsions, hallucinations, psychosis, sever tremors, sweating and sever anxiety.

During this process, which can last between 5 to 7 days, the patients have rigorous medical treatment, and are monitored, during 24 hors a day where they will be administered the medication.

Psychologically this phase is very important. Because it may be the first time in years that the patient has experienced life without using any type of mood altering drug.


The patient experiences a need to feel safe, supported and understand at this very important stage.



Rehabilitation Stage

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Psychological Support is provided daily, to work through the patients insecurities, socially, psychologically and work on their self-esteem in order to not ‘use’ in the future. Motivational interventions and therapy are done in group, family when appropriate, and in individual therapy.


Psychological Support

Talk therapy helps the patient understand and confront there emotional unrest, and supports, guides them through the counseling process to understand their addiction, and make a treatment plan for sobriety, and sober living skills. Three to four hours of psychological support is provided daily, in small groups and individual counseling sessions.


Our team consists of a large group of professionals specialized in addictions, who work and collaborate with institutions and international centers worldwide. We offer a safe environment of medical care and professional attention at every level of our detoxification treatment program.


Online appointment and download of test results through My HC.

Tel.: +34 952 908 628

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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