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Dra. María Gabriela Abreu, especialista en Alergología

Nos complace anunciar la incorporación de la Dra. María Gabriela Abreu a nuestro equipo de especialistas en alergología. Con una formación excepcional y vasta experiencia en alergología infantil y de adultos, la Dra Abreu llega para reforzar nuestro compromiso con la excelencia en el cuidado de nuestros pacientes.


Cristina Nuño


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internet y depresión

Internet and depression: False friends

Internet use has grown exponentially around the world in recent years. An internet connection has become an essential tool for work, communication and leisure, with numerous aspects of our lives directly dependent on it. According to recent publications, currently more than 5 billion people use the internet, representing 67.9% of the population, with a growth of 1392% in the last 22 years.

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